When designing digital products, people often think about visual design, how to design interactions or how to structure information in the most usable way. However interfaces always influence the way people make decisions be it intentional or unintentional. It’s a simple fact, that people’s decision-making is influenced by external factors,... read more →
When designing digital products, it’s critical that the interaction between the user and the system is well designed. To facilitate designing user interfaces, apps or websites, numerous guidelines, rules and principles can be applied. One principle that should be considered—from the beginning of the design to the release of the... read more →
Browsing the internet and catching up with UX, usability and design related blogs and online magazines, you sometimes encounter interesting, less known topics. One such phenomenon is web-brutalism. Web-brutalism is a design trend that emerged a few years ago as an counter-reaction to the current (UX/Usability) design trends and guidelines.... read more →
You spent the last few weeks or even months planning, preparing and conducting user research or UX and Usability tests and are even done with evaluating you data. The only thing left to do is to communicate your findings and valuable insights. But that’s not always as simple as it... read more →
This year’s World Usability Day took place on November 11th 2018 and for the first time ever Karlsruhe joined a number of other locations in hosting the event. As all available seats were booked three weeks in advance, the WUD was well attended. Participants discussed the thought provoking talks concerning... read more →
Many companies are pondering the question how to archive data for extended periods of time and in the most efficient way. While silos are defined as “a tall [...] tower, in which some [...] substance is stored”, silos are ill-equipped to store information as they are known to isolate their... read more →
Companies interact with their users and customers at many touch-points along the customer journey. And while every interaction with a user, potential user or person interested in their products creates customer related data, this data should also be used to improve the customer’s experience and help the company generate more... read more →
We’ve pondered questions like how to store and manage existing customer data on this blog before. However not all customer data is the same. Information about your user group can be categorized by different criteria. Another interesting question is, whether it makes sense to blindly gather all the data you... read more →
The quality of your user research results relies heavily on the participants you recruited. The definition of a good or even perfect participant depends on what exactly you are trying to achieve. Depending on the kind of test you are running and the tested product, prototype or wireframe you may... read more →
The thinking aloud method is one of the most popular user research methods. In fact some people actually refer to tests using the thinking aloud method every time they talk about usability testing. The method aims to show, how people interact with products and why they use products in the... read more →